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March 22, 2021

Hello, everyone!

Here is a brief rundown of the March 2021 meeting of Triple A for those who were unable to make the meeting last Thursday night.

1. We had 25 members logged in to our meeting; it was awesome to see everyone that could attend. Hope to see even more next month!

2. We are now up to 44 members and growing!!

3. The first and second readings of the proposed by-law changes were read. The third and final reading, as well as the vote, will be held next month.

4. There will be a meeting of the Executive Board in April; a date and time will be announced shortly.

5. There will be a special program at the April meeting; more to come!!

6. There was a work party at the Dawson Ridge repeater site; the new amplifier was installed, there was maintenance work done to all the repeaters, and the cabinets were rearranged for better efficiency. The next project will be to finalize improvements at the Heritage Valley repeater site.

7. There has been an interest in ordering T-shirts; Lee, N3IAL, will be gathering information on what is available and pricing.

As always, I thank you all for your continued support; I appreciate everyone’s input and we’re going to keep moving upward and onward!!


Dom, N3EJL


TAARA Club Meeting Update

February 19, 2021

Hello, everyone!

I just wanted to give everyone that was unable to make the February meeting of TAARA a brief rundown on what was discussed:

1. By-Law amendments- during the first reading of the proposed by-laws, a discussion arose concerning the dues structure and the initiation fee that has been on the books for a long time. The consensus after discussion was to remove that fee, because it has not been collected for some time. So, the readings were suspended at that time, and an updated proposed change is being prepared for reading at next month’s meeting.

2. VE Team- Discussion was opened again on the creation of an in-house VE team to give exams to members or prospective hams that are being mentored by a member. We have at least 2 VE’s at this time, and Mick, N3OJP has submitted his paperwork to the ARRL to be accredited. Matt, N3NWV is going to be submitting paperwork as well, shortly, Tim, K2EA is going to get his credentials renewed, and a few other members have expressed an interest in getting theirs as well. I believe we’re going to have a VE team shortly!

3. There was also discussion about memorials for members that pass away. Several ideas were discussed, including sponsoring a prospective ham through class and testing in a member’s name, and possibly donating amateur radio books to the local library. More ideas are requested to be discussed and enacted next month.

After the meeting, a large group remained in the Zoom session to chat, and a discussion began about public relations/ education and recruiting new hams/ members. One idea that took hold was a possible combination of a Field Day type activity and Parks On the Air. While a full fledged Field Day may still be a little ways away, a good compromise might be a tied to Parks on the Air; we could have operating positions, some PR people to explain what ham radio is and how someone could get licensed, and spend enough time to enjoy operating and have a hot dog/ hamburger type cookout for those that come out and support the event and enjoy some club fraternity.

Also- a little hint for an upcoming meeting- we’re going to have a special program at the April meeting! Now, I’m not going to divulge it just yet, but I’ll tell you that the topic is one of the most popular in field operations today! More to come!!

And for those who may not be aware, our numbers are growing! We’re now up to 42 members, and we’re looking to add more. If you hear a new call on the repeater, I encourage you to answer that call and make that person feel welcome. That’s a potential new member you’re talking to!

I thank everyone for their support, ideas, opinions and discussion; this is everyone’s club, and with your help, we’re going to get bigger and better!!




I was testing the DMR capability of my bearcat scanner last night and captured the PA DMR net.

I thought I would share it here for those who haven't heard a DMR net before, or may have missed the net last night.

If you have an interest in DMR, and aren't sure how to get started, there are a number of folks around that would be happy to help you.

The audio file of the net is here


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