I was testing the DMR capability of my bearcat scanner last night and captured the PA DMR net.
I thought I would share it here for those who haven't heard a DMR net before, or may have missed the net last night.
If you have an interest in DMR, and aren't sure how to get started, there are a number of folks around that would be happy to help you.
The audio file of the net is here
Hi Mick. I have a Uniden BCD996P2 scanner. It is DMR RX capable once you purchase that option (unlock key) from Uniden. You can tune the scanner to a repeater output, or the frequency of your hotspot. As far as recording the scanner, I use a program called free scan. In addition to allowing recording, free scan is a great tool for programming.
Sean what kind of Bearcat scanner do you have to receive DMR? Were you on frequency of a repeater with DMR capabilities and connected to PA 3142? I have an old RS Trunked 800 mhz scanner and I am trying to figure out how you did this. Do newer scanners connect to the Internet? Good work.