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Emergency Coordinator's Message-

November, 2021





On this page, you will find information on EmComm (emergency communications) for amateurs, as well as training classes/ resources, operational aids, maps, etc. 


If you have not registered for the ARES/ ACS program in Beaver County, you may do that using the registration form on this website and email it to me at .


An ARES enrollment form can be downloaded here


Our EmComm program in Beaver County will be proactive and I’ve already received suggestions on making things easier for the operators during nets and drills.




Dom Bedolatti, N3EJL

Beaver County ARES/ ARRL Emergency Coordinator


WPA ARES Simplex Frequency Plan - 


PEMA Daily Operations Report-

PEMA Operation reports provide the most current situation reports, morning reports, and monthly incident summaries. 

The reports are published daily. Please click here to be directed to the last 30 days of posted reports. 


ARES Manual

The ARES manual gives an overview of the organizational structure, Memoranda of Understanding with served agencies, as well as ICS messaging. You can download a PDF copy here for reference.

ARRL Radiograms

Click the download button for information on how to fill Radiogram messages. explanations of precedences and handling instructions.

ICS 205A

the ICS 205A indicates all methods of contact for personnel assigned to the incident (radio frequencies, phone numbers, pager numbers, etc.), and functions as an incident directory. Handy for nets too. 


Link to obtain child clearance-
Link to obtain PSP PATCH background check-

National Incident Management System (NIMS)

We encourage all ARES and RACES participants to complete the ICS courses listed below.

The courses are free and only need to be taken once. 


Minimum Equipment Requirements for EmComm Responses

Portable Equipment:
            2m/ 440 handheld
            Two (2) extra batteries
            Mag-mount antenna with proper adapters for portable use
            Proper charger/ adapter for portable
            Tablet/ notebook and pen/ pencil
Mobile equipment:
            2m/ 440 mobile radio
            Power supply
            Mag-mount antenna with proper connectors
            Battery or alternative power source for mobile radio
            Tablet/ notebook and pen/ pencil
Personal supplies:
            Bottled water, etc.
            Snacks/ non-perishable food
            Change of clothing, if necessary
            Maintenance medication

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