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What is Amateur Radio?

Amateur radio, also known as “ham radio”, is a hobby for anyone who is fascinated by the magic of radio, meeting new people, and life-long learning. There are over 700,000 licensed radio operators in the US, nearly 3 million worldwide, and the hobby grows every year.


You never know who you’ll run into on the amateur radio bands. People from all walks of life are hams – it’s the original “social network”. Many who are not technical at all are active and enjoy the social aspects of radio and club membership.  No matter your interests or skills, there is a place for you in amateur radio.


N3OBX sets up a station in the woods

What do I need to get on the radio?


N3OJL operates from a picnic pavilion

Since amateur radio is regulated, both in the US and worldwide, the first and most important item you need is a license. Getting licensed is simple, requiring only that you pass a basic, multiple-choice test on our rules and some safety items. Once licensed, getting on the air is easy too. Like all electronics, ham radios have gotten much better and much cheaper in recent years.  A hand-held “Handy Talkie” is all that’s needed to connect you with your local community.


You can of course go much further, and the best source of information for new and experienced operators is a local amateur radio club.

Triple-A Amateur Radio Association

TAARA provides and operates repeaters in the Beaver County area for use by all licensed amateur radio operators. We wish to promote a general interest in amateur radio as a hobby and assist in providing communications to local and state authorities in times of need or disaster.


Technology. Fun. Magic.

Amateur radio provides an exciting and engaging introduction to technology, the fun of communicating with other people, and the magic of long-distance communication.


One thing all hams have in common is that they never imagined all of the different directions that radio would take them.  There is always something new for you to try, if you’re interested, and people to help you get started 


Why join an amateur radio club?


Experienced Helpers

Access to operators with over fifty (50) years of experience in all facets of the hobby.


Continuing Education

Learn electronics, how to build your own equipment, or new ways to operate the gear you have.


Serving the Community

Work with different Emergency Communication organizations such as FEMA and the Red Cross, or volunteer to help with community events.



There are 100 ways to enjoy radio from special interests like POTA to “DXpeditions” to contests to awards.

TAARA Repeaters


146.850            Primary 2-meter

147.135              Backup 2-meter

224.460           1.25-meter

224.880           1.25-meter

441.700            70cm

444.250           70cm


Primary 2-meter repeater is linked to EchoLink on Node number 286427.

TAARA Meetings


Club meetings held on the third Thursday of the month starting at 7:30pm. Meetings are held at:


Beaver County Emergency Services Center

351 14th Street

Ambridge, PA 15003

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Stay up to date with news and announcements

©2025 by Triple "A" Amateur Radio Assoc. Inc.. 

Disclaimer:   Neither the Triple "A" Amateur Radio Association, Inc, nor any of its members warrants the accuracy, reliability, timeliness or suitability of any of the information contained in the TAARA website, and shall be held harmless and non liable for any losses or damage as may be caused by reliance on such content.  Portions of the website may contain incorrect or non current data.  Any person or entity who relies on any information obtained from this Website, does so at their own risk.  Please note: Some of the links on this website lead to resources outside of the TAARA website, and therefore beyond the control of TAARA or it's representatives.   The inclusion of these links in no way constitutes an implied endorsement by TAARA.  Furthermore, TAARA is not responsible for the content, or the result of using content, originating from other sources.  It becomes the responsibility of the viewer and user of this website and associated links to determine the accuracy and suitability of the information contained herein.   We ask that you verify the suitability and correctness of any content you receive via this site prior to usage or application.

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