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Writer's pictureSean Schwartzmiller

March 2021 Meeting

March 22, 2021

Hello, everyone!

Here is a brief rundown of the March 2021 meeting of Triple A for those who were unable to make the meeting last Thursday night.

1. We had 25 members logged in to our meeting; it was awesome to see everyone that could attend. Hope to see even more next month!

2. We are now up to 44 members and growing!!

3. The first and second readings of the proposed by-law changes were read. The third and final reading, as well as the vote, will be held next month.

4. There will be a meeting of the Executive Board in April; a date and time will be announced shortly.

5. There will be a special program at the April meeting; more to come!!

6. There was a work party at the Dawson Ridge repeater site; the new amplifier was installed, there was maintenance work done to all the repeaters, and the cabinets were rearranged for better efficiency. The next project will be to finalize improvements at the Heritage Valley repeater site.

7. There has been an interest in ordering T-shirts; Lee, N3IAL, will be gathering information on what is available and pricing.

As always, I thank you all for your continued support; I appreciate everyone’s input and we’re going to keep moving upward and onward!!


Dom, N3EJL

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