Good morning, everyone!
I hope you are coping well with this early summer heat! Hopefully we’ll get a little relief towards the end of the week.
I wanted to keep you all updated on what was talked about at the last meeting regarding POTA, Field Day and our summer outing. After speaking with Matt, N3NWV last evening, we came up with the following game plan:
On Saturday of Field Day weekend (June 26), Matt, NWV and Dennis, EJA are planning to do a POTA activation from Raccoon Creek State Park; they may hang out in the park and operate a little Field Day from there for a while. Matt is inviting anyone who would like to come out and join them; you can maybe catch a little operating time for both POTA and Field Day. This way, if someone wants to come out for one part of the day and go somewhere else for a Field Day function or whatever, people won’t have to choose what event to attend or try to squeeze a lot of event time into a single day.
Matt and I also are going to plan another event for later in summer, either later in July or August, with a combined POTA event, and a family picnic. I think that will be a nice day for everyone as well; we’ll keep the event to a reasonable time duration like last time.
ALSO—there may be a surprise event coming here shortly. Now, I can’t disclose what it is yet, but I CAN tell you that it’s a very cool thing, it’s going to be a lot of fun, and I think it may leave you wanting more after it’s done. Are you curious yet??? Want to know more??
Well, keep your ears on 85, your eyes on the web site and your emails, and in the next week or so, the cat will be let out of the cage!
And remember, this is severe storm season; although we’ve been fortunate so far and we haven’t had any really bad weather, keep your eyes open and listen to 146.85.
Have a great week, all, and 73,
Dom, N3EJL