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Year-End Recap from N3EJL-

Writer's picture: Sean SchwartzmillerSean Schwartzmiller

Hello, Everyone!

Well, we've come to the end of 2021; what a year it's been! We've seen ups and downs because of the pandemic, but boy, we've come through in grand style! We saw a return to in-person meetings with a Zoom hybrid addition, a dramatic rise in the membership roster, a very intense interest in POTA, antenna builds, and last but certainly not least, increased activity on our club repeaters.

On the public service side, we have renewed relationships with NOAA/Skywarn and the Red Cross, a new ARRL EC has been appointed, our club has been featured in an ARRL/QST article, and our ARRL Special Service Club status has been renewed. Absolutely fantastic!!!

And that's not all- for 2022, we're looking ahead to more activities; we'll be involved in the bi-annual Beaver Valley Power Station evaluated exercise in June, we'll be planning a fox hunt for the spring, our POTA activations will continue and we're looking at more events and training that will keep our members motivated, interested and engaged. And of course, severe weather is always a part of our EmComm operations.

We are also working on some things behind the scenes that we'll be announcing when appropriate. All in all, we're looking to make 2022 even more successful than this year.

I'd like to thank everyone for their support this past year; it's really great to see what can happen when people step up and get involved. And I'm confident that you folks will keep that same level of energy as we dive in to 2022. And if you have ideas, get them to me and we can bring them up at a meeting and see where they can fit in!

And please- if you haven't paid your dues yet, get them to our club treasurer, AA3WV, Mike as soon as possible. He'll be most happy to exchange your dues for a brand new 2022 membership card.

I'm humbled and proud to be the caretaker of this organization. And you all should be proud of this club and what it has accomplished and where it's going!

I hope you all have a healthy and blessed New Year's holiday...and let's make 2022 a banner year for Triple 'A'!!!


Dom, N3EJL


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