Just to provide additional information on the items I mentioned on the public service net this evening-
SKYWARN™ Recognition Day is December 4, 2021 from 0000z to 2400z.
All amateur radio operators are encouraged to participate.
If you are interested in operating, please contact Rich K3SOM or Dan KB3VSP.
They will be in charge of scheduling Beaver County operators for this event.
Stay tuned! More details to come!
Today marks the beginning of Snow Squall Awareness Week-
Snow squalls are often associated with strong cold fronts and are a key winter weather hazard. Sudden whiteout conditions, gusty winds, and falling temperatures produce icy roads in just a few minutes. There is no safe place on a highway during a snow squall.
Please See https://www.weather.gov/ctp/snowsquall
There is still time to register for National Weather Service Pittsburgh, PA Winter SKYWARN webinar.
Tue, Nov 16, 2021 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST
If you have attended SKYWARN™ training (either Pittsburgh or State College) Please let me know so I can make sure you receive credit for doing so and are listed as an active spotter.