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Skywarn Activation Notice

Writer's picture: Sean SchwartzmillerSean Schwartzmiller

As you are no doubt aware, we have a severe weather event on the way.

Beaver County is under a winter storm watch from Sunday afternoon through Monday afternoon.

The Beaver County Skywarn program is currently on standby and will continue to be for the duration of the event.

Please monitor the 146.850 repeater whenever possible.

If the main repeater is not available, operations will be diverted to the 147.135 repeater.

Should it be necessary to coordinate with other counties (where VHF/UHF isn't a good option) the following HF frequencies will be utilized-

3.983MHz with 7.253MHz as a backup

Once the watch is upgraded to a warning, you can expect a Skywarn net to be called up on the 146.850 repeater. Your participation and observations would be greatly appreciated.

Fred McMullen has issued the following statement regarding reporting snowfall-


Our first significant winter storm of the season is slated for last Sunday into Monday. If you could please send snowfall reports to us Monday morning like you did with the last one that would be much appreciated as always. If you didn't send them, please try this time, These reports are very helpful to us, especially since everyone will see snowfall.

How to report:

* Use our online form found here. I have an attachment which shows only the lines you need to fill out.

* Call us 800-242-0510

* Report on twitter @NWSPittsburgh or facebook NWSPittsburgh ,but let us know you are a trained spotter.

To keep up to date on the snowfall, please visit our winter page at

Thank you very much.


The snow is expected to be of the heavy and wet variety. Naturally, this makes power outages more likely. If you have a generator, today might be a good day to test it and make sure you have sufficient fuel. Also, please consider making sure your HT batteries have a full charge.

The ARES / ACS leadership is monitoring the situation on an hourly basis and will advise if any further response is required.


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