I just wanted to touch base with all of you regarding our July event, POTA Support your Parks Summer 2021 event, July 17-18, 2021; as we announced a couple weeks ago, we’re planning a POTA activation for Saturday, July 17. Our ad hoc POTA gurus, Matt, N3NWV and Dennis, KC3EJA will be leading us through another activation.
What I would like to know from our members is how many of you are interested in attending; if we get enough people, we thought it would be nice to try and incorporate a family picnic/ covered dish event to go along with it. So, please respond to this email by Wednesday, July 7 and let me know if you’re interested in doing this event. This way, we will have enough time to coordinate food items and such. I will also be announcing this on our club net on Monday, July 5, so please tune to the 146.85 repeater that evening. We will also have information on the club web site.
Also- a reminder that we are planning an antenna building project for August. Matt, N3NWV has put the information on the antenna and the cost on the web site. Depending on the number of people that sign up for this, the location will either be at Matt’s house, or possibly the 911 Center classroom in Ambridge.
As always, I thank you all for your support and ideas; I’d also like to thank Matt and Dennis for last Saturday’ POTA activation, and thanks to Dennis for filling the Chef du Jour position!
I hope we can get a good response to both these events; our club has come a long way in the last 7 months and it’s because of the team effort by everyone! Let’s have a great picnic/ operating event and a great antenna project day!
73 for now,
Dom, N3EJL