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POTA Picnic Wrap Up

Writer's picture: Sean SchwartzmillerSean Schwartzmiller

Good evening, everyone!!!

Well, all I can say is WOW! What a day! You couldn't ask for better weather, better operating, better food, better people!

This was a wonderful day! We had 35 people at our POTA/ Picnic today, and everyone had a great time! Conditions appeared to be very good, as our stations made many contacts today. People began arriving around 10, and once the stations got set up, everyone dived in and had a ball! We had so much food, that if you walked away hungry, it was your own fault LOL!

But what was really nice to see was all the people that came; we had families, cross-state travelers, guests, and even the park rangers wanted more info on what we were doing and wanted our website address. Several of us took pictures today, and we'll try to get them on the website as soon as possible.

This day exceeded everyone's expectations, and already there were people asking if we were going to do this again. Darn right we will!! There was quite a large group talking together about what projects/ events we can do going forward. That's awesome! Keep your ears tuned to 85 and your eyes on your emails! There'll be more to come, for sure.

I'd like to thank everyone that came out for this today, and I'd especially like to thank Dennis, KC3EJA, and Matt, N3NWV for coordinating this event. Fantastic job, guys!!

Thanks to everyone who brought food, drinks, utensils, plates, etc. Thanks to Dan, KB3VSP for equipping me with the proper grilling attire! Thanks, also to NO3U, Otto, for keeping my grandson Colton so interested and enthused he was still talking about it when we got home.

My largest hope was that sometime this year, we could have an event that got the families involved; well, folks, you made that happen today! And I couldn't be more proud of this club.

I had a couple people come up to me with some ideas for promoting the club, and ideas for more projects and events. Thank you for those and we're going to work on those!

And we had several people ask Mike, AA3WV about shirts! So, look for an email shortly regarding another shirt order.

Once again, thank you to everyone for attending today; I hope you all had a great time, and I can't wait to do something like this again!

73, and have a great weekend,

Dom, N3EJL


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