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NOTA - NASA On The Air

Writer's picture: Sean SchwartzmillerSean Schwartzmiller

Via Mick N3OJP-

I came across this link today and there are many club members who op/chase POTA-SOTA-JOTA and other activations. I went to the site and on the Menu (3 bars stacked) under Rules it will show contact information, modes and the suggested frequencies.

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If the link doesn’t work do a C&P into your browser. NASA On The Air (NOTA) is BACK! Amateur radio club stations at NASA field centers will be re-activating joint operations for 2022. Our first event will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 16 Moon landing. Many of the NASA clubs will be on the air from April 23-27, 2022, however, some NASA club stations have already begun operations to commemorate the full mission duration which actually began with liftoff on April 16th, 1972.


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