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Learn from the Past and Prepare for the Future

"Hurricane Agnes was a tragedy of unmatched proportions for the East Coast of the US that caused $3.1 billion in damage and 128 deaths. We would like to commemorate this project to those who lost everything in Agnes, including their lives. We would also like to honor those who assisted in the emergency response efforts during and following Agnes. "


Good morning, everyone! For those who were unable to make last night's meeting, here's a brief recap: The meeting was called to order at 7:33 PM. Minutes were read/ approved. Treasurer's report was read/ approved. Emcomm reports: RACES/ ACS: N3TN gave an update on the upcoming drill on June 7 and again asked for operators for that evening; he also reminded everyone about RAD training for the drill on May 19. ARES: N3EJL gave a recap of the SET from April 4; he also spoke about a possible new training program, AUXComm, which is a standarized training program that is applicable to any responder (amateur, public safety, REACT, MARS, etc.) SKYWARN: K3UKE gave a report on the NWS radio 162.55 is having issues and may be hard to receive. He also updated everyone on severe weather season and SKYWARN net procedures. Chief Engineer: K3UKE reported systems are functioning normally; waiting on some issues that the County is working through in preparation for the repeater moves. Trustee: K3UKE spoke about operators' code of ethics and repeater and simplex operations. There is information on the website which everyone should log on to and read through. President's report: N3EJL gave a report on the Exec Board meeting; action was taken on a membership application (under new business). Also, N3TN, Frank, and WJ3E, Tim, were presented with TAARA Lifetime Achievement awards and ARRL Certificates of Merit for their contributions to the club and to amateur radio over their careers. Pending Business: Brenda, N3EJL's XYL, is preparing a memorial scrapbook for the club's 50th anniversary next year, and is asking for any pictures, old articles, etc. for inclusion; she will return them after making copies. Child Clearance/ Background Checks: Completed background/ child care checks are to be mailed to N3EJL; they will be kept in a secure file. N3OJP, Mick, gave a report on the Digital Roundtable on Friday nights; they are going well, and with outdoor activities beginning for folks, we're going to suspend them for the summer break, and resume them in September. But if a group would like to get on and practice, they are more than welcome! Sweatshirt order: Mike, AA3WV reported the shirt order is in process, and hopefully they will be done in time for the next meeting. QSL cards: NO3U, Otto gave an update on the club QSL card project; he is working on some ideas and got some input from the group on what they would like to see on the cards. Fox Hunt: N3NWV reported on the upcoming Fox Hunt this Saturday at Brady's Run Park; we will meet at the Ice Arena parking lot and 9:30 AM for instructions. Summer POTA/ picnic: our summer POTA/ picnic will be June 11 at Moraine State Park. We will be under a pavilion (thanks to N3NWV) and we're going to have a lot of fun. We'll finalize plans at our May meeting. New Business: Welcome to our newest member, N3OBX, Julie Whalen! May meeting: Due to the RAD training on May 19, we're going to re-schedule our May meeting to Thursday, May 26 (classroom availability pending). As soon as that has been verified, an email will be sent to everyone. The business portion of the meeting was adjourned, and N3EJL did a training presentation on Net Control operations. 50/50 was won by K3UKE. There were 28 members present, in person and via Zoom. Thanks to all for your continued support!!! 73, Dom Bedolatti, N3EJL President, Triple 'A' ARA, Inc. ARRL/ ARES Emergency Coordinator, Beaver County, PA 724-987-3018 Email:;


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