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Hello, everyone!

For those who were unable to make the January 2021 meeting, I wanted to give you a short update, so that you’ll know what’s going on with your club:

Our meeting opened with a moment of silence for our recently deceased members. After that, minutes of the November meeting were approved, our treasurer’s report was read and approved, and Frank, N3TN, gave his ARES/ RACES report.

K3UKE, Sean, gave his Chief Engineer’s report which included updates/ improvements to 135 and 85 and items that still need addressed.

I gave a report on our E-board meeting that we had earlier in the month, which included discussions on by-laws, repeaters, increasing membership, public relations/ education and some other topics which will be brought to the membership.

As for by-laws, there are several that need to be updated; the drafts are complete and we will start the process of ratifying them at next month’s meeting.

There was discussion of a new amplifier for the 85 machine; we want to balance transmit and receive performance but not overpower the repeater. A motion was made and passed to purchase a new Henry amplifier to increase the output to approximately 100 watts.

We also discussed some avenues to increase interest, not only within the club but to bring potential amateurs into our hobby. We will be looking at doing something related to Parks on the Air to try and generate public interest. We are also looking at doing a virtual open house/ get-together via Zoom; we will do the first one within the club, and if we get a good turnout, we will open it up to other clubs as well. More to come on that!

Also, Frank, N3TN noted that there has been a resurgence in CW interest and asked if anyone would be interested in a CW refresher; many of the group in attendance expressed interest in that, and Frank will be putting together a Zoom class that will be held soon

Next month’s meeting is very important, with by-law amendments and other topics, so please make every effort to attend, and please, if you did not get an email invitation to this month’s meeting get in touch with Frank, N3TN and update your email address with him.


Dom, N3EJL


Happy New Year, everyone!

Happy New Year to all, and welcome to a brand new year at Triple 'A'! I hope you all have had a good holiday season, considering all that we have been through over the last year. I wanted to let you all know that I will be using this forum (as well as the repeaters, Zoom, e-mails, etc.) to keep in touch with everyone, and I hope you will use this as well to interact with other club members, the officers, and guest users that may hop aboard. * For the officers- look for an e-mail from me in the next few days in regards to a Board meeting that I would like to have before the January meeting. * For our members- if you have not paid your 2021 dues, you still have time!! Go to the bottom of the home page of our site and it will give you directions on how to git 'er done!. And please make sure you get an updated e-mail address to our Secretary/ Trustee, Frank, N3TN, so you can receive an invitation to our January Zoom meeting. * For our guests- Please consider becoming a member of Triple 'A'; you'll be supporting our repeater system, and I guarantee you'll make some new friends!


Just a reminder, there will be a Zoom meeting this Thursday, October 15th.

Please watch your email for an invitation with additional details.

Email invitations will be sent to members in good standing.

If you did not receive an invitation to the previous test meeting, we may not have your current email address. Please contact Frank, with an updated email address.

If your email needs updated, please do so within the next couple of days so we can be sure that you receive a meeting invitation.



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