Triple ‘A’ Amateur Radio Association
April 2021 Club Meeting Update
April 17, 2021
Hello, everyone!
For those of you who were unable to attend the April 2021 meeting of Triple ‘A’ this past Thursday, you missed a great meeting!! Here is a brief rundown:
1. The March meeting minutes, and Treasurer’s Report were read and approved.
2. Officers’ reports were given; updates on the repeaters, ARES/ RACES, CW practice/ class, and the Executive Board meeting were discussed.
3. N3IAL, Lee, gave an update on the T-shirt order process; there is an order form on the website which can be used to order shirts, or you can contact Lee directly. Orders will be taken until May 1.
4. Our VE team has been organized, and KR3DX, Denny, has agreed to be our coordinator. A Zoom team meeting will be held soon. The team’s mission will be providing exams to any member that wishes to upgrade, or for a member that is mentoring a prospective ham that is ready to test. The team will also be available to any area club that would need assistance at a test session.
5. There has been discussion on the need for additional net controls. A training session for those who would like to become net controls is being created, and N3EJL will be the instructor. More details to come!
6. N3NWV, Matt, gave an excellent and informative presentation on POTA (Parks on the Air). It generated a TON of interest, and…. wait for it…….!
7. We are going to have a combined POTA activation, public awareness event and cookout! It will be held at Raccoon State Park. N3NWV, Matt, is coordinating this event; he and N3TN, Frank, have registered the club call for POTA, and we are planning 2 stations to be operational. This will not be an all-day event, probably from 10 AM to 2 PM, with a hot dog/ burger cookout around noon. Keep an ear on 85 for the day/ date. This is sure to be a winner, folks!
8. The proposed by-law amendments were read and approved.
9. We had 26 members attend this meeting; great to see everyone and hope to see even more next month!
10. We are now up to 46 members!
As always, I thank you all for your continued support. The increased activity on the repeaters, member attendance, willingness to help, and input shows that this club is on the move. When I became president, I made a comment that my goal was to have 50 members this year. Well, we’re almost there! Spread the word about Triple ‘A’ and what we’re doing!!
And, if you have suggestions/ comments, please send me an email and I’ll be glad to talk to you about them. Remember, this is YOUR club, and my job is to help all of you make this club better and better!
Thanks, and 73,
Dom, N3EJL