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Beginning Thursday November 4th, the NWS will Implement a reformat and consolidation of their flood products. Please download the attached PDF for additional information.


Just a reminder,

Basic Skywarn Storm Spotter Classes will be held via webinar-

Monday November 8 TH

6:30 PM TO 8 : 30 PM


Thursday November 18 TH

6 : 30 PM To 8 :30 PM

Pre - Registration Is Required

The NWS asks that you attend a class every three years to keep your spotter status active.

If you are not able to attend or don't have sufficient Internet access to do so...

There is an alternative, please contact K3UKE for details.


Also, a winter weather specific webinar is being held on the following dates-

November 4th @ 7pm - 8pm, register by clicking here

November 16th @10am -11am, register by clicking here


N3NWV has supplied the following list of tools that you may want to bring when attending the antenna build activity.

The build begins at 9:00 AM at the Beaver County EOC.

The EOC is located at 351 14th Street Ambridge, PA 15003.

These are in relative order of importance. The more folks who bring their own knife and pliers the better. As you move down the list it gets less and less important that everyone has their own tool.

  • knife (will be used to scrape the coating off of wire, not your best pocket knife)

  • small needle nose pliers

  • small philips screw driver

  • wire cutters

  • electrical tape

  • 1/4" nut driver

  • 7mm nut driver

  • crimp tool for 14-16AWG (blue) fork and ring connectors

  • soldering iron

  • multi-meter


The BVARA has extended an invitation to Triple A members to attend the club's yearly corn roast.

Details can be found in the attached PDF.

If you wish to attend, please remember to RSVP before August 13th. It may be helpful to the organizers to indicate what covered dish or desert you'll be bringing.


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